The First Digital Assembly of Jesus Christ

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👨‍👧👧A Father's Conversation with His Daughter About What It Means to Follow Jesus

As parents, we always want our children to grow up to be good people, and for many of us, faith plays a central role in our lives.

When our children start asking questions about religion, it can be challenging to find the right words to explain complex concepts like faith, love, kindness, and forgiveness.

In this fictional conversation, a father talks to his 12-year-old daughter about what it means to follow Jesus. Sprinkled with personal experiences and insights, the conversation highlights the values and behaviors that Christians should be striving to embody in their daily lives. Join us as we explore the joys and challenges of raising a child with a strong faith foundation.


👧Daddy, I love Jesus!

👨‍👧 Dad: That's great, sweetheart. It's wonderful that you love Jesus. But remember, loving Jesus also means following His commandments and not just doing what you want to do.

👧 Daughter: I know, but what does that really mean?

👨‍👧 Dad: Well, let me give you some examples. You know those giggle fests you have with your friends? Like when you all laughed about your friend who tripped at recess? Loving Jesus means not laughing at others' misfortunes. 💕

👧 Daughter: Oh, I never thought of it that way.

👨‍👧 Dad: And what about those times when you yell at your brother? Loving Jesus means being a kind and patient sister. 😇

👧 Daughter: Wow, that might be hard, but I'll work on it!

👨‍👧 Dad: That's the spirit! Let's see, here's another one: When you don't want to share your toys, remember that Jesus taught us to be generous and share with others. 🎁

👧 Daughter: Okay, I'll try to share more.

👨‍👧 Dad: Excellent. And when you're tempted to cheat on a test, remember that Jesus wants us to be honest and do our best. 📝

👧 Daughter:I'll remember that, Dad.

👨‍👧 Dad: How about when you're feeling grumpy and don't want to help with chores? Loving Jesus means obeying your parents and contributing to the family. 💪

👧 Daughter: I'll work on that too, Dad! 😊

👨‍👧 Dad: That's the spirit! Now, when you see someone sitting alone at lunch, Jesus would want you to be kind and invite them to sit with you. 🍽️

👧 Daughter: That's a nice thing to do. I'll try to do that more often.

👨‍👧 Dad: It sure is. And when you're tempted to gossip or spread rumors, remember that Jesus wants us to be truthful and spread kindness instead. 🤐

👧 Daughter: I'll try, Dad.

👨‍👧 Dad: When you're upset with a friend, instead of holding a grudge and staying angry, Jesus wants you to forgive and work on rebuilding the friendship. ❤️

👧 Daughter: I can do that, Dad.

👨‍👧 Dad: Great job, sweetie! Now, when you're tempted to judge someone based on their appearance or something they've done, remember that Jesus taught us not to judge others but to love them instead. 😊

👧 Daughter: I'll keep that in mind, Dad.

👨‍👧 Dad: And when you're feeling jealous of someone else's success or happiness, remember that Jesus wants us to be happy for others and to be content with our own blessings. 🌟

👧 Daughter: I'll try to be happy for others, Dad.

👨‍👧 Dad: You're doing great, sweetie! When you feel like excluding someone from your group of friends or not inviting them to a party, remember that Jesus wants us to be inclusive and welcoming to everyone, regardless of their differences. 🌈

👧 Daughter: I'll work on being more inclusive, Dad.

👨‍👧 Dad: That's the spirit! Now, when you're tempted to complain about your dinner or refuse to eat it, remember that Jesus wants us to be grateful for the food we have and to think of those who are less fortunate. 🍴

👧 Daughter: I'll try to be more grateful, Dad.

👨‍👧 Dad: Good. And when you're playing a game and feel the urge to bend the rules in your favor, remember that Jesus wants us to play fairly and treat others with respect. 🎲

👧 Daughter: I'll remember to play fair, Dad.

👨‍👧 Dad: When you're feeling impatient withsomeone who's taking a long time to do something, remember that Jesus wants us to be patient and understanding. ⏰

👧 Daughter: I'll work on being more patient, Dad.

👨‍👧 Dad: When you're tempted to tease someone about their appearance or abilities, remember that Jesus wants us to be kind and uplifting, not hurtful. 🤗

👧 Daughter: I'll try to be more encouraging, Dad.

👨‍👧 Dad: And when you feel like talking badly about someone behind their back, remember that Jesus wants us to be loving and avoid gossip. 🤫

👧 Daughter: I'll keep that in mind, Dad.

👨‍👧 Dad: When you see someone struggling to carry their things, Jesus wants you to be helpful and offer your assistance. 💪

👧 Daughter: I'll work on being more helpful, Dad.

👨‍👧 Dad: Good. Now, when you're tempted to exaggerate or embellish a story, remember that Jesus wants us to speak honestly and truthfully. 🗣️

👧 Daughter: I'll try to be more honest in my storytelling, Dad.

👨‍👧 Dad: And when you feel like ignoring someone who's trying to talk to you, remember that Jesus wants us to be good listeners and pay attention toothers. 👂🏼

👧 Daughter: I'll work on being a better listener, Dad.

👨‍👧 Dad: When you're tempted to criticize someone for making a mistake, remember that Jesus wants us to offer support and understanding instead of judgment. 🤝

👧 Daughter: I'll try to be more supportive, Dad.

👨‍👧 Dad: Great. Now, when you're feeling like giving up on a difficult task or challenge, remember that Jesus wants us to persevere and trust in Him for strength. 💪🏼

👧 Daughter: I'll try to persevere and trust in Jesus, Dad.

👨‍👧 Dad: I'm so proud of you, sweetheart. I know it's not easy, but with time and practice, you'll become a true follower of Jesus. Now, let's go have some ice cream to celebrate your decision to love and follow Jesus! 🍦🎉